Monday, July 20, 2009

Public Enemies (spoiler)

John Dillinger makes me horny because of the way Johnny Depp played the role. Lol. Even if the movie wasn't great, I'd still love it because Johnny Depp's swagg was impeccable! I mean honestly, he was slaughtering...SLAUGHTERING dudes with Tommy Guns the whole time and all I could think was "I'd like to ride his Tommy Gun all night long..."
Okay, now for the movie review lol
This movie was great. I was only vaguely familiar with Dillinger's story but I knew he was the shit back in the day so I decided to see the movie. It was well written and and well acted (for the most part). Lots of shoot-em-up action, that's always nice. It was slick, fast paced, and entertaining.
You really forget that he's the bad guy. Cause when he dies you actually feel bad. I mean, all Dillinger was, was a hustler. Times were hard (it was during the great depression), he was smart enough to beat the system and make MOOLAH! Lots and lots of MOOLAH!
JD had a love interest. Her name was Billie Frechette (played by Marion Cotillard OSCAR WINNER she's bomb) Their relationship was...amazing. I like how she was down for her man and how much she trusted him even though he was doing bad things. It was sexy how he kinda just told her how shit was gonna be and how she went with it. No questions asked. It Bomb.
Christian Bale was in this too. He played Melvin Purvis, the dude trying to catch JD (dead or alive.) He's usually a decent actor but he annoyed the FUCK outta me the whole time. He already bothers me with the way he talks in general ( on screen and off screen) he has a low key lisp and his teeth are like raised out like when people sucked there thumb a lot when they're young. So he talks kinda weird. But in this movie he had a southern accent and he was just delivering the lines so .... wrong. Idk. He was putting extras on it. And it sucked ass.
I recommend this movie though. It's the shit. All you wannabe gangsters out there need to take some notes when you're in the theater. I give it two titties up!

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