Wednesday, July 22, 2009

oH Drake...

Sigh...I tried not to like this guy. I really did. Little Aubrey (lame name lmao) who played Jimmy on Degrassi. The whackest, most addicting show on tv. Lol I mean he was shot in a school shooting and paralyzed from the waste down for crying out loud! How lame! And all the hype around him was crazy..."Drake is the shit...this" and "Drake is the shit...that" "You hear that new Drake?" I was like enooooouuugghh! And it urked me that he was randomly all of a sudden Lil Wayne's prodigy. Are you kidding me? Lol And it really bugged be that he flooded my radio and he isn't even signed yet! What?
I only paid attention to two of his songs. The ones that were getting air time...They're cute and catchy. But I never really paid attention to wtf he was saying. I downloaded some of his other songs to my iPod outta curiosity and in the car...I actually listened to his words. And he is one Lol. I love it.
And his VOICE is so SMOOTH!! Ooooh it makes me tingle. And of course I never really paid attention to his face but once I realized the awesomeness that flowed out his mouth...I started really studying what he looks like. And he's low key bomb. His eyes are light, he has bomb lips, his swag is bomb, he has a nice smile...and now that I think about it...Aubrey really isn't that lame of a name..

I guess I'm just one of those females he talks about in his music. Not really paying attention to him until he blew up. Cause he sure never caught my eye on the show he was on...and I certainly became a fan over night what with all the hype around him and shit. I'm guilty of that. Lol. But idgaf. Drake is bomb. I'm on it.

Oh..whaaaaaaat aaaaaannnnd he sings too? I almost forgot. Lol And his voice aint like Ne-Yo or nothing, but it's cute. I give him credit. It goes with his style of music. It's so random that he would blow up like this. I think he was in a band or some shit on Degrassi...playing guitar or something. But he never rapped, or sung, or anything. Wait...I think he did sing a little. But there was no star power that I could see...

Idk...I'm feelin him. Lol. c( :

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