Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm SO Pissed!

Anyone who knows me is aware that I have an absolute obsession with the Twilight Saga. It's sad but intense and unbreakable. Lol. There are three more movies slated to come out. New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
In Twilight there is an evil vampire named Victoria. She has this lover named James who gets killed by Edward and it pisses her off so she vows to kill Bella to get back at him.

Rachelle Lafevre is in the picture on your left. She played Victoria in Twilight and is going to be in New Moon. Now I have heard that Rachelle will be replaced in the third movie by Bryce Dallas Howard (top right) , due to "scheduling conflicts."
(Isn't it cute how I found two pics that were similar? lol)
There are so many things wrong with this! Ugh! Where do I begin?
First of all....when you're cast in a multi-million dollar franchise you DO NOT let "scheduling conflicts" occur. Especially when that said "conflict" is a bullshit ass Indie movie that is probably paying you in potato scraps and paper clips!
This also pisses me off because in keeping up with the whole vampire thing...vamps aren't supposed to change! I hate when movies switch up actors like that. It's stupid! And it's even more stupid when the character is supposed to be immortal!!!
I'm also pissed because I wasn't even all that impressed with Rachelle Lafevre in the first place! She was lame, weak, and too smiley to be Victoria.
I never would have thought to casts Bryce Dallas Howard as Victoria but now that I think about it....BOMB! She's a great actress, she's way prettier, and she's closer to the Victoria that I imagined while I was reading the books. I think she'll do a great job, actually. I'm just pissed they didn't fucking cast her in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're an idiot Rachelle!! For committing to other movie projects and trying to ruin the Twilight franchise. You should thank your lucky stars you were even cast! Now you're just shitting on the opportunity. Victoria is a G. And I guess you're not up to the challenge.
I mean honestly, the only other movie I've seen Rachelle in was some lame Lifetime movie about her being adopted or some shit. Lol And Bryce was in The Village, The Lady in The Water, and freaking Spider Man 3! Come ON!
I'm actually kind of excited to see how Bryce does. I'm just irritated that the flow of things is disrupted like this...sigh..

Oh, I f@*$ing hate it when...

People in my age bracket use little symbols to replace letters in curse words. Okay, for one, how old are you? 10? And two, we can totally see what you're putting anyways so you might as well just put the word! It's not cute! It's not a good way to censor anything. If you have a problem using the correct fucking bad word, don't fucking bother to fucking use it in the first place. Fuck.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Aaaah. I love a good "psycho and/or demonic child wreaks havoc on their parents" flick. Creepy kids are the best part of movies. Lol And the fact that Esther was adopted just made it all that much more appealing.
Okay, so the premise of the film is this couple is looking to adopt a child to add to their family of four. They have a son and a daughter already. The son is like 13 and the daughter is like 6. Anywho...the woman was pregnant with their third child but the baby was still born. This really fucked up their minds, the wife in particular.
So after years of trying to get past the tragedy, they decide to adopt a little girl. Because baby Jessica didn't survive and they want to give the love they would have given to a little girl who needs it.
Enter Esther.
Esther is this charming 9 year old kid from Russia. She likes to paint, she loves music, she's well spoken, and she's cute as a button.
Oh, and she's also bat shit crazy.
Her charming qualities quickly begin to disappear as she begins to toy with the minds of her family and even threatens their lives.
There is a HUGE plot twist that I wouldn't dare ruin for anyone. It's random and unrealistic, but an excellent twist nonetheless. I doubt anyone will see it coming. I sure as heck didn't.
KUDOS to Isabelle Fuhrman. I don't even think she's really Russian but the accent was on point! And she was the shit! in this movie. Lol. She was crazy as fuck but I was rooting for her the whole time. Esther is a G. See the movie and you'll feel me on that.
It was a pretty good movie in my opinion. It had lots of parts that make you jump, squirm, gasp, and laugh out loud. It was low key more gruesome than I thought it was going to be. I mean....sheesh. I give this film two titties up!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

oH Drake...

Sigh...I tried not to like this guy. I really did. Little Aubrey (lame name lmao) who played Jimmy on Degrassi. The whackest, most addicting show on tv. Lol I mean he was shot in a school shooting and paralyzed from the waste down for crying out loud! How lame! And all the hype around him was crazy..."Drake is the shit...this" and "Drake is the shit...that" "You hear that new Drake?" I was like enooooouuugghh! And it urked me that he was randomly all of a sudden Lil Wayne's prodigy. Are you kidding me? Lol And it really bugged be that he flooded my radio and he isn't even signed yet! What?
I only paid attention to two of his songs. The ones that were getting air time...They're cute and catchy. But I never really paid attention to wtf he was saying. I downloaded some of his other songs to my iPod outta curiosity and in the car...I actually listened to his words. And he is one Lol. I love it.
And his VOICE is so SMOOTH!! Ooooh it makes me tingle. And of course I never really paid attention to his face but once I realized the awesomeness that flowed out his mouth...I started really studying what he looks like. And he's low key bomb. His eyes are light, he has bomb lips, his swag is bomb, he has a nice smile...and now that I think about it...Aubrey really isn't that lame of a name..

I guess I'm just one of those females he talks about in his music. Not really paying attention to him until he blew up. Cause he sure never caught my eye on the show he was on...and I certainly became a fan over night what with all the hype around him and shit. I'm guilty of that. Lol. But idgaf. Drake is bomb. I'm on it.

Oh..whaaaaaaat aaaaaannnnd he sings too? I almost forgot. Lol And his voice aint like Ne-Yo or nothing, but it's cute. I give him credit. It goes with his style of music. It's so random that he would blow up like this. I think he was in a band or some shit on Degrassi...playing guitar or something. But he never rapped, or sung, or anything. Wait...I think he did sing a little. But there was no star power that I could see...

Idk...I'm feelin him. Lol. c( :

Monday, July 20, 2009

boys are annoying

I really, really hate when a guy asks me "When we gonna kick it?" out the blue. It bothers me! Like what do you expect me to say? "Oh, um lemme check my calendar! Okay, I'm available Monday July 20th, 2009 at 9pm." NO! And it's always the niggas that you barely talk to that wanna ask you that questions. It's like, if I haven't mentioned seeing can safely bet that I could care less if you were even breathing. So word to the wise..if you ask me this question..and I say "idk..whenever..." with the dots and shit, it really means "I'm not committing to any particular date and I want you to go play in traffic" (that's the rough translation). Bleh!

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (spoiler)

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Okay let it just be known that the Harry Potter phenomenon (that I used to be apart of) was utterly SHIT on as soon as the Twilight franchise came about. But, he's still the shit so of course I went to go see the movie. I've seen all the others. I used to read the books but the films were coming out quicker than I could flip the pages, so I just said fuck it. I stopped at like the fourth one I think.
So, the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth installment. I didn't read this book so I had no clue what to expect. But at the end of it I was really disappointed. I literally sat there not wanting to get up, just watching the credits start to scroll by, because I could not believe it ended. I ended right when it started in my opinion.
There's usually way more action in HP movies. There was like barely any magic in this at all, they focused on all the wrong things, I have MILLIONS of unanswered questions, Dumbledore dies and they don't even make a big deal out of it really, everything seemed rushed. Harry Potter and the Half-Assed screenplay is more like it!
There were some genuinely funny parts in it. Really funny. But there was A LOT to be desired. I can't imagine how I'd feel if I'd actually read the book. I might cry if that were the case. And what pissed me off it that they postponed this movie for like over a year! They should have turned out nothing but perfection with all the extra time they had! It's really a shame, really.
This movie kinda sucked. It pains me to say.
There was one person in this movie who, in the brief minutes he was shown, made this movie worth seeing. His name is Frank Dillane. He played 16 year old Tom Riddle. No I'm not a pedophile. He's 20 in real life. Lol. But damn he is GORGEOUS! I can't find a proper picture. But damn, he was supposed to be all evil in the movie but idgaf. He sexy. Lmao.
Ummmm i give this tittie up and one tittie down. smh.

Public Enemies (spoiler)

John Dillinger makes me horny because of the way Johnny Depp played the role. Lol. Even if the movie wasn't great, I'd still love it because Johnny Depp's swagg was impeccable! I mean honestly, he was slaughtering...SLAUGHTERING dudes with Tommy Guns the whole time and all I could think was "I'd like to ride his Tommy Gun all night long..."
Okay, now for the movie review lol
This movie was great. I was only vaguely familiar with Dillinger's story but I knew he was the shit back in the day so I decided to see the movie. It was well written and and well acted (for the most part). Lots of shoot-em-up action, that's always nice. It was slick, fast paced, and entertaining.
You really forget that he's the bad guy. Cause when he dies you actually feel bad. I mean, all Dillinger was, was a hustler. Times were hard (it was during the great depression), he was smart enough to beat the system and make MOOLAH! Lots and lots of MOOLAH!
JD had a love interest. Her name was Billie Frechette (played by Marion Cotillard OSCAR WINNER she's bomb) Their relationship was...amazing. I like how she was down for her man and how much she trusted him even though he was doing bad things. It was sexy how he kinda just told her how shit was gonna be and how she went with it. No questions asked. It Bomb.
Christian Bale was in this too. He played Melvin Purvis, the dude trying to catch JD (dead or alive.) He's usually a decent actor but he annoyed the FUCK outta me the whole time. He already bothers me with the way he talks in general ( on screen and off screen) he has a low key lisp and his teeth are like raised out like when people sucked there thumb a lot when they're young. So he talks kinda weird. But in this movie he had a southern accent and he was just delivering the lines so .... wrong. Idk. He was putting extras on it. And it sucked ass.
I recommend this movie though. It's the shit. All you wannabe gangsters out there need to take some notes when you're in the theater. I give it two titties up!

Transformers II Revenge Of The Fallen

Mmkay, so I haven't done movie reviews on here yet. So I'll start with Transformers II. I'm ashamed to say that I JUST saw it like this week, despite it coming out like forever ago. I swore I'd see it sooner but I was too busy. Whatever, so check it...
I thought this movie was BOMB. it was way better than the first. I literally was crying laughing at some parts. Maybe I'm just super goofy. Or maybe the screenplay writers got jokes. It was super long over two hours but I honestly didn't notice until I got out. It didn't feel that long to me. I loved it because at the end, I was satisfied. I hate leaving a movie with unanswered questions in my head. It's frustrating. But TII tied up all loose ends.
I LOVED the dynamic of Michaela and Sam's relationship in this sequel. It was too cute. It made me wanna throw up and catch rainbows at the same time. It was sickeningly sweet. Um, Megan Fox is fucking hot. No homo. Lol. And of course my Shia was looking bomb as well. And that acting was ON POINT. Loved it! He's awesome.
I read reviews before I went to go see it and a lot of people complained that the robots had too many lines. But it didn't bother me much. They weren't just speaking to be speaking. The words served a purpose. Oh! Minus the two niggerbots that were seriously annoying me. They were like twins or something and they were obviously black and ignorant. It was funny at times but it got old by like the time they landed in Egypt. (For those who've seen it) Lol.
All in all I liked this movie. I don't have any complaints. It was well done. I hope they squeeze a third out of it. Well, maybe not. I don't want them to kill it. But I'd actually go see it again. I recommend it even if you haven't seen the first one. It's entertaining. I give it two titties up! c(:

Fine Men With Ugly Voices

Take a look at Tyson Beckford to your left. He is jaw dropping. Silky chocolate brown tight eyes...bomb ass kissable lips...chiseled muscles. He is a GOD straight out of my wildest fantasies...It's a shame that his voice sounds like he's gargling marbles and trying to blow a piece of bubble gum at the same time. SMH. Have you ever met a sexy ass person and then were instantaneously turned off when they spoke? It is a sad SAD thing when a guy is bomb as fuck and their voice throws everything off. It's a low key deal breaker. Lmao. I know that's stupid but I can't sit there and listen to a nigga squawk all day. I wouldn't be able to pay attention to what he's saying. And I damn sure wouldn't be able to talk to him on the phone. That would be absolutely out of the question. He'd be banned from calling me. Only text and aim for him! Tyson was the best example I could think of. Whenever I see him I'm like "Oooooh, shit!" then he speaks and it's like "Ugh shit." c( :

Monday, July 6, 2009


What a whore. I'm so sick of this bitch. Maybe pre-getting her ass whooped by Chris Brown this would have been a hot look. But post-getting knocked the fuck out...I think she's stupid. She's just begging for attention. Newsflash bitch! You got plenty of it with that busted face your man gave you! She hasn't come out and spoken about anything. She hasn't given her fans any type of...idk...a sense of clarity? Is that the word I'm looking for? Like, I just think that she shouldn't be parading around the world clubbing, and drinking, and all that bullshit until this gets resolved. I mean, she never did that shit before! Why now? SMH.