Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I'm not the golddigging type of female. I don't really care how much money a nigga has, what kind of car he drives (if he even has one), what kinda job he has....I mean all this is apparent if you look at my track record of guys I've recently dated. I know a lot of females say that they don't care about that kind of thing but I actually mean it.

Well, now...'meant' it...to a certain extent.

The money still isn't a big issue right now as long as he has plans to change it...but I've been coming across a lot of guys who don't have cars. I've even come across a guy my age who doesn't even have his license. So if I wanted to see them I have to drive, and do all the picking up.

The first two times maybe I'll do it. Cause the freshness of the situation is fueling my generosity. But after a lil while, I never fail to grow sick and fucking tired of driving with a nigga in the passengers seat. A nigga who's not even my boyfriend.

(Let me note now that if I have a man..and he's down and out...I DO NOT mind this. But if we're just talking and dating and trying to get to know each other. ALL BAD. It's not a good look.)

I don't mind driving some of the time...I mean if you're paying for the date...coo. But I just don't like that shit anymore. And I refuse to do it early on in the process. I refuse! And niggas be catchin a case nowadays when I deny them the priviledge of my coming to pick them up. Like I'm required to or some shit. LMAO.

And these niggas aren't in any kind of conditional circumstance. It's not like their car is in the shop, or their saving up for one, or something like that. They're just fucking IMMOBILE! That's so unattractive to me...and idk if that makes me materialistic or anything. But...it's like...get your shit together. A nigga should feel bad for having a female pick him up and drive him around....


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