Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Being The "Other Woman"

*deep sigh* SMH

Ladies. There will come a day where you meet a guy. This guy will be the shit. Cute, funny, witty, smart, charming, sexy, freaky, about his business, not on the bullshit...and everything else your "what I need in a man" list consists of. But there is a catch to this guy...and that catch is he's taken. Now when you find out he has a girl, you'll immediately think to yourself "duh he has a girl. he's too bomb to be off the market...damn."

but there's going to be a twist...

this great guy will proceed to act in a way that contradicts his claim on his girlfriend. he will act like he doesn't even have one. he will act like he is single and focus his attention solely on you.

do not be fooled. this guy is most likely just bored with his relationship and wants out of it, but is too infected with bitchassness to break up with his girl. so he'll get the best of both worlds by gaming you into liking him while still being in a relationship with her. He can get the perks of being in a committed relationship as well as get the perks of starting something fresh and exciting with you. Or, he really has no intentions of breaking up with girl...BUT he still wants to explore other possible future opportunities. ya know...just in case.

I've been in this situation before. In my experience it didn't end up well. I mean I'm sure there are rare instances where a guy has a girlfriend and he meets someone else and he actually leaves his girl for the new chick. But in my case, he was bullshitting the whole time...and never really wanted me. It's a sick feeling to invest time into false hope and have your efforts wasted in the end.

You may think you're the shit and you got it like that and you can get a nigga to leave his girl. But why put yourself through that? Don't EVER wait on a nigga to leave his relationship to be with you. When a man wants something...he goes after it. If he wants you he'll make it so.

Now I thought I learned my lesson with this guy...but I almost got into the same situation again recently. I wasn't thinking. I tried to make it nonchalant and say me and him were "just friends" and not doing anything wrong. But we were obviously becoming more than that and things were getting tense and weird. I really tried to delude myself into thinking that I was just having fun and there was no harm being done. But I finally opened my eyes and dipped out of that situation immediately. I deserve better than the backburner, backseat, sideline position. Bottom Line.

I think I went off on a tangent. This blog is kinda..blah. But whatever. I'm just letting off steam.


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