Monday, June 29, 2009

"Drive By" Aim Attacks

So, I was chillin' at my cousins house today. Having a real laid back, coo time. We were playing video games it was coo. Lol. All of a sudden I get an aim from some sn 'Gordydapig'. (lame ass made up sn) It said "Aye." I assumed it was some random myspace nigga tryna see what was up with me so naturally I said..."who is this?". The unknown person replied...

"Bitch your weak. Your pussy is trash. And at the end of the day your still a ratchet who will never be where they wanna be in life."

I was gonna reply with a friendly "thanks for your opinion!" but in true bitch ass fashion they signed off before I could finish typing my response.

*sigh* there are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin.

First of all, who does this? It's so High School...and pointless. And if you're going to talk shit...don't sign off like a little punk ass pussy. Back yo shit up! I wasn't offended by this or anything...just irritated that someone (I'm not sure if it's a male or female...) would take the time to randomly send me some bullshit like that.

Like ugh! Get a life! Like what do you get from doing that? And then you sign off without getting a response? How would you know if I even got it? Lmao They could be sitting over there laughing and thinking they really told me off...and I didn't even get it. LMAO But seriously...I wonder if their life is any better because of what they said. Like...I'm way too confident to be taken down by a 3 line aim from some random ass person who can't even say some shit to my face. SMH.

I can't help but wonder who it is though. It doesn't really matter considering they're too lame to say it to my face...or even just identify themselves on aim...but I do wonder. On one hand though I am QUITE flattered that I matter so much to somebody that they feel the need to let me know their thoughts a bout me. Good or bad. It doesn't matter. They're still on my dick.

And my pReTTyP3RsUaSi0n sn is fairly new so whoever it is caught a problem with me in the last like 7 months. Lame. Or it's a super blast from the past and they just investigated and got my new one. Even lamer. Ay yi yi. People are so fucking dumb it makes me physically ill.

The quip about my goodies though really makes me think it's a guy. Which is SUPER pathetic. But whatev. I've never gotten any complaints. So it must be some nigga who's feeling's I've hurt...or some nigga I didn't even give it up to in the first place...LOL

But it may be a girl...that's even harder to try to figure out because I don't deal with a lot of females to even have beef with one. SMH.

Oh well. A mystery left unsolved. I just wish people would grow the fuck up and snap out of their High School ways. It's kinda sad.

And to you..."Gordydapig"....thanks for your opinion....but idgaf. And you can go blow a homeless guy for all I give a damn. =)


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