Monday, June 29, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson 1958-2009

I'm very late on this but I do want to make sure I dedicate a posting to Michael Jackson's passing. I don't want to front like I'm this HUGE die hard fan. That would be phony of me. But his music was the shit. That's something that is recognized around the globe. He is thee definition of an icon. I mean...people would damn near go into a coma at the sight of him! He was an inspiration to every single artist. Seriously. Everybody wanted to be like Mike! The hardest of niggas would even admit that they wish they could be Michael Jackson for a day. Lol. It's so sad that he's gone! And at 50? That's not that old at all these days. It's a shame that all these sketchy details are coming about now with his crazy Doctor, and news of him having a "supposed" drug abuse problem, and it's just horrible...My heart goes out to the Jackson family. I mean...I can't fathom what they're going through right now. Despite all the bullshit allegations against him, the debt he racked up, his odd behavior, all the tabloid shit....MICHAEL JACKSON is the KING of POP. And no one will touch that. I bet my great great great grandkids will be groovin' to his music. I'm sure of it actually. R.I.P. Mike. You will be missed, and never forgotten.

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