Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I'm not the golddigging type of female. I don't really care how much money a nigga has, what kind of car he drives (if he even has one), what kinda job he has....I mean all this is apparent if you look at my track record of guys I've recently dated. I know a lot of females say that they don't care about that kind of thing but I actually mean it.

Well, now...'meant' it...to a certain extent.

The money still isn't a big issue right now as long as he has plans to change it...but I've been coming across a lot of guys who don't have cars. I've even come across a guy my age who doesn't even have his license. So if I wanted to see them I have to drive, and do all the picking up.

The first two times maybe I'll do it. Cause the freshness of the situation is fueling my generosity. But after a lil while, I never fail to grow sick and fucking tired of driving with a nigga in the passengers seat. A nigga who's not even my boyfriend.

(Let me note now that if I have a man..and he's down and out...I DO NOT mind this. But if we're just talking and dating and trying to get to know each other. ALL BAD. It's not a good look.)

I don't mind driving some of the time...I mean if you're paying for the date...coo. But I just don't like that shit anymore. And I refuse to do it early on in the process. I refuse! And niggas be catchin a case nowadays when I deny them the priviledge of my coming to pick them up. Like I'm required to or some shit. LMAO.

And these niggas aren't in any kind of conditional circumstance. It's not like their car is in the shop, or their saving up for one, or something like that. They're just fucking IMMOBILE! That's so unattractive to me...and idk if that makes me materialistic or anything. But...it's like...get your shit together. A nigga should feel bad for having a female pick him up and drive him around....


Being The "Other Woman"

*deep sigh* SMH

Ladies. There will come a day where you meet a guy. This guy will be the shit. Cute, funny, witty, smart, charming, sexy, freaky, about his business, not on the bullshit...and everything else your "what I need in a man" list consists of. But there is a catch to this guy...and that catch is he's taken. Now when you find out he has a girl, you'll immediately think to yourself "duh he has a girl. he's too bomb to be off the market...damn."

but there's going to be a twist...

this great guy will proceed to act in a way that contradicts his claim on his girlfriend. he will act like he doesn't even have one. he will act like he is single and focus his attention solely on you.

do not be fooled. this guy is most likely just bored with his relationship and wants out of it, but is too infected with bitchassness to break up with his girl. so he'll get the best of both worlds by gaming you into liking him while still being in a relationship with her. He can get the perks of being in a committed relationship as well as get the perks of starting something fresh and exciting with you. Or, he really has no intentions of breaking up with girl...BUT he still wants to explore other possible future opportunities. ya know...just in case.

I've been in this situation before. In my experience it didn't end up well. I mean I'm sure there are rare instances where a guy has a girlfriend and he meets someone else and he actually leaves his girl for the new chick. But in my case, he was bullshitting the whole time...and never really wanted me. It's a sick feeling to invest time into false hope and have your efforts wasted in the end.

You may think you're the shit and you got it like that and you can get a nigga to leave his girl. But why put yourself through that? Don't EVER wait on a nigga to leave his relationship to be with you. When a man wants something...he goes after it. If he wants you he'll make it so.

Now I thought I learned my lesson with this guy...but I almost got into the same situation again recently. I wasn't thinking. I tried to make it nonchalant and say me and him were "just friends" and not doing anything wrong. But we were obviously becoming more than that and things were getting tense and weird. I really tried to delude myself into thinking that I was just having fun and there was no harm being done. But I finally opened my eyes and dipped out of that situation immediately. I deserve better than the backburner, backseat, sideline position. Bottom Line.

I think I went off on a tangent. This blog is kinda..blah. But whatever. I'm just letting off steam.


Monday, June 29, 2009

R.I.P. Michael Jackson 1958-2009

I'm very late on this but I do want to make sure I dedicate a posting to Michael Jackson's passing. I don't want to front like I'm this HUGE die hard fan. That would be phony of me. But his music was the shit. That's something that is recognized around the globe. He is thee definition of an icon. I mean...people would damn near go into a coma at the sight of him! He was an inspiration to every single artist. Seriously. Everybody wanted to be like Mike! The hardest of niggas would even admit that they wish they could be Michael Jackson for a day. Lol. It's so sad that he's gone! And at 50? That's not that old at all these days. It's a shame that all these sketchy details are coming about now with his crazy Doctor, and news of him having a "supposed" drug abuse problem, and it's just horrible...My heart goes out to the Jackson family. I mean...I can't fathom what they're going through right now. Despite all the bullshit allegations against him, the debt he racked up, his odd behavior, all the tabloid shit....MICHAEL JACKSON is the KING of POP. And no one will touch that. I bet my great great great grandkids will be groovin' to his music. I'm sure of it actually. R.I.P. Mike. You will be missed, and never forgotten.

"Drive By" Aim Attacks

So, I was chillin' at my cousins house today. Having a real laid back, coo time. We were playing video games it was coo. Lol. All of a sudden I get an aim from some sn 'Gordydapig'. (lame ass made up sn) It said "Aye." I assumed it was some random myspace nigga tryna see what was up with me so naturally I said..."who is this?". The unknown person replied...

"Bitch your weak. Your pussy is trash. And at the end of the day your still a ratchet who will never be where they wanna be in life."

I was gonna reply with a friendly "thanks for your opinion!" but in true bitch ass fashion they signed off before I could finish typing my response.

*sigh* there are so many things wrong with this that I don't know where to begin.

First of all, who does this? It's so High School...and pointless. And if you're going to talk shit...don't sign off like a little punk ass pussy. Back yo shit up! I wasn't offended by this or anything...just irritated that someone (I'm not sure if it's a male or female...) would take the time to randomly send me some bullshit like that.

Like ugh! Get a life! Like what do you get from doing that? And then you sign off without getting a response? How would you know if I even got it? Lmao They could be sitting over there laughing and thinking they really told me off...and I didn't even get it. LMAO But seriously...I wonder if their life is any better because of what they said. Like...I'm way too confident to be taken down by a 3 line aim from some random ass person who can't even say some shit to my face. SMH.

I can't help but wonder who it is though. It doesn't really matter considering they're too lame to say it to my face...or even just identify themselves on aim...but I do wonder. On one hand though I am QUITE flattered that I matter so much to somebody that they feel the need to let me know their thoughts a bout me. Good or bad. It doesn't matter. They're still on my dick.

And my pReTTyP3RsUaSi0n sn is fairly new so whoever it is caught a problem with me in the last like 7 months. Lame. Or it's a super blast from the past and they just investigated and got my new one. Even lamer. Ay yi yi. People are so fucking dumb it makes me physically ill.

The quip about my goodies though really makes me think it's a guy. Which is SUPER pathetic. But whatev. I've never gotten any complaints. So it must be some nigga who's feeling's I've hurt...or some nigga I didn't even give it up to in the first place...LOL

But it may be a girl...that's even harder to try to figure out because I don't deal with a lot of females to even have beef with one. SMH.

Oh well. A mystery left unsolved. I just wish people would grow the fuck up and snap out of their High School ways. It's kinda sad.

And to you..."Gordydapig"....thanks for your opinion....but idgaf. And you can go blow a homeless guy for all I give a damn. =)


BET awards SMH

Okay look. I won't speak TOO much about the awards because

A.) I HATE BET and the utter trash they put out and I never really watch it.


B.) I only watched half of the awards. Lol.

So here I go.

Okay, Ummm I wasn't all the way feeling Jamie Foxx plugging his CD and tour every gosh darn chance he got. We get it, sir.

I would like to commend BET though for trying to pull together something for Michael Jackson last minute like that. I think they did the best they could do in such a short time. I mean...nothing will every be ENOUGH to really honor Mike. But all things considered...they did a nice job.

SUPER sad when Janet came out. They were so close. My heart definitely goes out to his family.

I'm sick of people saying that Chris Brown should have come out and danced or whatever. NO! He fucked up! And we cannot lose sight of that fuck up! It would have been awkward having him there. And just...NO! I hate his guts now. He can disappear for awhile.

Did anyone else see Tyra clinging to that dude? Um he better be family! I'm not having that shit. I love her. Lol.

Kerri Hilson was kinda weak. She was doing too many awkward Mike moves and she just ended up looking like a retarded Elvis....And I know she wore her pants like that in dedication....butttt.............lol NO!

DON CORNELIOUS! LMAO. That's all I gotta say. You gotta love old people and their never ending anecdotes...lol smg.

NE-YO my NE-YO! lol When he sings it's like the heavens opened up and shined down on me! I fucking love him! And he's not GAY! lol I'm sick of niggas sayin that. HATERS!

Ugh...the Baby Boy references. MY GOSH! Enough was enough! It was kinda funny when Tyrese first came out talking bout "Yvette! Where's my son!" blah blah. But when Ving came out! I was like WTF? SMH. BET...what are we gonna do with you....

Trey Songz, Johnny Gill, and Tyrese killed it in my opinion. Trey Songz looked so effin cute.

Whoa! And the Ojay's......MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY! MOOONNNNEEYY!! Lol BOMB They killed it too!

Keith Sweat...LAME.

AND EEEEEKKKK! They brought out Tevin Campbell I almost died!!! I love him! He looked good!!!! Awww.

Beyonce' and Jay-Z are just the best fucking couple ever in my opinion. I love them. It must be the shit to watch your man KILL the stage like that and the same for him to watch his girl. She looked hot...he looked smooth! Aaaah I LOVE IT! =D

Maxwell was good. The feathers were kind of a bit much though....lol But I'm glad he's back...his voice is pretty great.

I wish I could have more things to say but honestly I was flipping back and forth between John and Kate plus 8 and the awards...so I missed alot..But I really don't care...Lol.

TTFN! c(:

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Those who know me may be wondering why my name says Melanie Madison instead of Melanie Clark. Well, for one, I hate that last name. It belongs to my father and I don't freakin know that guy....so why have his last name? And I want to be an actress someday. I decided I needed a stage name and Melanie Madison flowed to me. Those who reaaallly know me may see a similarity in the last name. Lol. But I assure you, it's not wishful thinking. It's a business move. I gotta brand myself as I see fit. Don't like it? I don't really care. I'm going to be using it from now on. I mean as far as my websites and performances are concerned. Get used to it, kids.

Bitchassness PSA

This is a disease ppl! Open your eyes! Diddy has started the movement to prevent this and cure it! I'm just hopping on the bandwagon! We need to save the male community!


  • loud empty arguments (there is no real physical danger here. just a whole lot of words with high volume)
  • acute emotional awareness
  • inability to keep shit G
  • social withdrawal
  • loss of appetite
  • insomnia
  • fear of the truth (hearing whats really good often incites hostility)
  • hating on real ass niggas
  • and in more serious cases communication stalking has been known to occur (i.e. myspace, facebook, texting, call logs, etc.)
  • reckless reactions to rejection (i.e. talking shit when turned down)
  • when upset by something notice any odd feminine manerisms (i.e. eye rolling, neck jerking, hand clapping, finger waving, or placing of the hand upon the hip)

If any or all of these symptoms are present in a friend or loved one. Please contact the Brothers Against Bitchassness Foundation. Bitchassness is contagious. Please avoid direct contact with any man infected by this disease. It has been known to be airborne. And in some rare cases...it is genetic. Think of the children!! Do you want a bitch ass baby?!With your help, we can put an end to this disease. Please know that with regular screenings and early diagnosis paired with the Real Niggasilun vaccine...Bitchassness is cureable!